
The Multiplying Impact of a Leadership Team Coach

The Multiplying Impact of a Leadership Team Coach

In the world of professional sports, a coach plays an indispensable role in guiding athletes towards success. Similarly, in the corporate realm, a leadership team coach who combines facilitation and training skills can have a multiplier effect on business results....

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Leading by Example: Behaviours and Values

Leading by Example: Behaviours and Values

Leadership team behaviour is a complex interplay of various factors, with values at its core. Your organisational core values may include honesty, transparency, integrity, innovation, accountability, respect, loyalty, equality, teamwork, customer or results focus, and...

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Evaluating the Traits of Great Leaders

Evaluating the Traits of Great Leaders

In every sphere of life, leaders play a crucial role in shaping and inspiring those around them. Whether it's in the workplace, community, or even within our own families, great leaders possess certain qualities that set them apart. These individuals motivate, guide,...

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Teams Grow Business

Teams Grow Business

To scale a business, every #Founder, #CEO or #MD needs to develop a high-performance team around them for sustainable growth. 🎯 A team that has a clear vision and plan. 💡 A team that can dream big and drive on the same track. 🤝 A team with shared aspirations and core...

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Invest in Soft Skills

Invest in Soft Skills

#SoftSkills are where businesses are differentiating themselves these days. If you're not securing enough #investment for growth. If you're not winning enough #customers to fuel your sales pipeline. If you're not getting the results you need from your #leaders and...

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Why top teams fail to scale

Why top teams fail to scale

Are you having difficulties scaling? Well, it might be due to a lack of investment in your top team’s development to meet the demands of your growing business. According to the UK Scale Up Institute 36% of scale up CEOs say that a key barrier to grow is leadership...

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Knowledge, skills and attitudinal training

Knowledge, skills and attitudinal training

Employee training should cover more than the knowledge required to do a job.   Knowledge based training is only a third of the training required to perform well.   There are different types of training required to fully equip employees.   Knowledge...

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The difference between knowledge, skills & attitude

The difference between knowledge, skills & attitude

What is knowledge?   Knowledge is facts, information and experience, the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject. It's true that knowledge is power, but so are skills and attitude.   What is skill and attitude? Skills are the ability to apply...

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Do you know the symptoms that you solve?

Do you know the symptoms that you solve?

Businesses don’t just buy our expertise, products or services based on what they do - they buy on the symptoms that they help them to solve. So, as experts in our field, it’s important for us all to be able to describe the symptoms that we're able to treat. On Monday,...

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Five Triggers for Team Development

Five Triggers for Team Development

Developing a high-performance team is a journey not a destination.   Great teams are not built in a day, they take time to reach their true potential. We often use the analogy of a premier football team to explain why investing in team development is so crucial...

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Be Future-ready, Future-proof your Team

Be Future-ready, Future-proof your Team

In an increasingly competitive marketplace environment driven by uncertainty from all sides, you have no time to lose. Yet, astonishingly enough, many companies are still wasting time and throwing money away by being mired in their old, “tried and failed” ways when it...

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Feedback Fuels Personal Development & Growth

Feedback Fuels Personal Development & Growth

It can be hard to decipher what others think and feel about you. However, when feedback is well structured, it can be extremely valuable - both personally and professionally. Feedback is a way to improve your performance. It can help you see yourself more...

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How do you score as a high-performance team?

How do you score as a high-performance team?

We hear so much about high-performance teams, but how do you know if you are in one? A quick way to check is by answering these five questions: Is there a solid foundation of mutual trust in your team? Is everyone in the team able to express themselves fully and...

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Weighing up your leadership skills

Weighing up your leadership skills

If you are leading an organisation, department or a team, how can you assess your leadership to identify development that will improve your performance and results? A practical starting point is to ask your team, stakeholders, peers to gather informal development...

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Six signs of a dysfunctional culture

Six signs of a dysfunctional culture

A dysfunctional culture prevents high performance teams and organisations. Here are six signs of dysfunction: High staff turnover - People are leaving the organisational or team because the atmosphere is toxic. Communication is poor - Information and clarity of...

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Disempowering Managers

Disempowering Managers

What are the signs you are being managed by a disempowering manager? Here are five behaviours to watch out for: They tell vs coach. People are not encouraged or supported to think through their own solutions. They say I a lot more than We. They promote themselves and...

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Why use 360° feedback?

Why use 360° feedback?

360° feedback is a tool that allows managers to compare and contrast quantitative and qualitative feedback from their team, peers and line manager to identify training and development opportunities. The key benefits of 360° feedback include: Motivated managers who can...

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About Dragonfly Academy

About Dragonfly Academy

Why we choose the name Dragonfly: Dragonflies are stunning creatures and have existed for over 300 million years. They’re RESILIENT. A Dragonflies’ eyesight is wide ranging with the ability to see all around them. They have superb VISION. Dragonflies have...

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Is your business in a prime position to scale?

Is your business in a prime position to scale?

Your business cannot grow without your top team having the skills to take them and their teams to the next level. This becomes especially critical when your top team is transitioning into a scale up phase. During this phase, leadership teams must learn the skills to...

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From start up to scale up skills

From start up to scale up skills

When an entrepreneur secures the funding for their Start Up, typically they start their business with themselves and begin to scale up their Start Up team as the business takes off. The entrepreneur becomes a line manager and at this stage may well experience...

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What is a scale up

What is a scale up

'As the term implies, a scale-up is a start-up that has grown, that has changed scale. To move to this next stage, the start-up must have succeeded in stabilising its business model and industrialising its offer. It has therefore proven its viability. To qualify as a...

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Why lead alone when you can empower your team?

Why lead alone when you can empower your team?

It's draining and ineffective when all the centrifugal force for driving a business or department forward is emanating from one leader at the top. This can truly stall business and team success when one leader becomes the bottleneck for every single decision. So why...

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Scale Up Institute Listing

Scale Up Institute Listing

Hewlett Rand's #DragonflyAcademy is listed as a leadership capacity building programme with the ScaleUp Institute. What is the Dragonfly Academy? Dragonfly Academy is for ambitious top teams who are scaling up their business to the next level. It's for top teams that...

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Top Team Development

Top Team Development

The real drivers of success in any organisation are the individuals that play an integral part in it. While every employee is indispensable, management and decision makers are at the core – with the chief responsibility for the make or break of an organisation....

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Performance Management

Performance Management

Even the crème de la crème of employees is not immune to a performance plateau or bottleneck. Once employees hit a wall in terms of their performance, it can be a challenging task to instil the necessary motivation to propel them to the next level. The inability to...

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Scale up by developing a hgh-performance top team

Scale up by developing a hgh-performance top team

Is your leadership team delivering the results your business needs to scale and grow? Does your top team have a strategy with clear goals and accountability? Have your leaders been trained with the skills they need to reach peak performance from their teams? Scaling...

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Developing people for lasting change

Developing people for lasting change

Have your recruitment costs spiralled recently due to an exodus of talent linked to below-par management? Has your productivity taken a hit as a result of languishing performance among managers? Investment in the development of your management team is key to achieving...

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Team burnout

Team burnout

Do you recognise the following signs within your organisation? A slump in the quality of work produced Apathy and disengagement Increased frequency of complaining or disgruntled employees A burnt-out team may exhibit the above three signs. Burnout not only hurts your...

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Empowering Leadership = Transformational Results

Empowering Leadership = Transformational Results

Leaders play a pivotal role in motivating and empowering employees to increase levels of engagement, productivity, and employee satisfaction, transforming organisational performance and results. It might be a surprise to you to know that the overriding factor in...

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Develop your team, if you plan to grow your business

Develop your team, if you plan to grow your business

Are you looking to improve your team’s results in the coming year? While goals, targets and KPIs are all essential to have in clear view, an important enabler to achieving them are the skills that your team need to reach them. A good analogy is Football Clubs who...

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What do you need to fix this year?

What do you need to fix this year?

The festive season has given us all pause for thought, to recognise what is and isn’t working in our business and team. Whilst celebrating what's working is important, recognising what isn’t is essential too, because you have an opportunity to fix things for the...

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Invest in new managers to succeed with their team

Invest in new managers to succeed with their team

Taking a sink or swim approach when recruiting or promoting new manager into a role is risk. That's why it's important to help new managers succeed when they join your business or promoted to lead a new team. Unfortunately, most business training focuses on technical...

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Teams get the results their behaviours influence

Teams get the results their behaviours influence

When it comes to how leadership teams behave, the effects can be huge. As one study showed: “90%+ of the difference between high performing teams and low performing teams is explained by their culture” (Goleman 2010). Leadership teams are at the heart of all...

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The cost of a toxic culture

The cost of a toxic culture

Business Leader article #FinTech Revolut demonstrates how leadership can be at the very heart of a toxic culture. A toxic culture stops businesses growing and has real consequences on performance. Tt starts at the top, but leadership teams can fail to reach out early...

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Four effective Leadership behaviours

Four effective Leadership behaviours

A staggering 90% of CEOs are eager to invest more in leadership development, recognising it as the single most important human-capital issue with which they are confronted, according to a report by McKinsey. Having sound leadership is indispensable to the health of...

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What Hewlett Rand can do to help your scale up

What Hewlett Rand can do to help your scale up

Hewlett Rand’s mission is to develop talent for lasting change and we have developed a bespoke top team training programme for scale-ups called ‘Dragonfly Academy’. Our programme builds leadership capabilities for sustainable growth, using a blended approach of...

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A leader’s job in a nutshell

A leader’s job in a nutshell

Brian Halligan, Co-Founder of HubSpot, has come up with a very apt analogy to sum up a leader’s job vividly by likening it to a bus. First and foremost, the leader must know the direction in which the bus is headed; secondly, the leader must ensure that the bus is...

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Make sure the leadership is aligned with the top team

Make sure the leadership is aligned with the top team

Leaders should be mindful of jumping the gun by presuming that the entire organisation is on board when it comes to scaling up. Having an aligned founder CEO and top team is another key ingredient in successfully scaling a business. While it is understandable that...

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Learn to delegate

Learn to delegate

Scale-up leaders must learn to unlearn certain behavioural patterns characteristic of start-up leaders, in particular, the tendency to micromanage. A fully hands-on and direct approach is simply untenable as the business scales. It is time to let go of the reins and...

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Watch out for burnout

Watch out for burnout

According to research conducted from 2020 to 2021, middle managers are at the greatest risk of suffering from a burnout, who reported, besides being subjected to higher levels of stress and burnout, “worse physical well-being and work-life balance than the people they...

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Time to hone leadership and management skills

Time to hone leadership and management skills

Back in the days of being a start-up, the distance between top leadership and the rest of the company was probably barely noticeable; these dynamics played out well as the organisation was relatively small. But as the business scales, so too do leadership...

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Embracing and instilling new mindsets

Embracing and instilling new mindsets

There is no denying that embarking on a scale-up journey is not a run-of-the-mill agenda but one characterised by profound change. After putting a fresh spin on your business model, including updating your value proposition, you may find that the very identity of your...

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What makes a good leader?

What makes a good leader?

There is no one-size-fits-all winning formula that guarantees success. Each leadership signature is personal and unique. That said, there is a common misconception that leadership style only comes down to one’s personality instead of being a strategic choice made...

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How to lead a Scale Up

How to lead a Scale Up

Leading a scale-up team requires a different skillset. Having the right leadership competencies forms one of the foundational pillars of a successful scale-up. This guide seeks to provide some useful tips on leading a scale-up. While it is obvious that any scale-up...

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What Hewlett Rand can do to help your scale up

What Hewlett Rand can do to help your scale up

Hewlett Rand’s mission is to develop talent for lasting change and we have developed a bespoke top team training programme for scale-ups called ‘Dragonfly Academy’. Our programme builds leadership capabilities for sustainable growth, using a blended approach of...

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Build the right alliances

Build the right alliances

It is necessary to adopt a scale-up mentality to all aspects of the business, including in its approach to building and extending partnerships. While it may seem counterintuitive at first glance, it is not uncommon for competitors to become partners or even customers....

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Invest in your people

Invest in your people

Company growth goes hand in hand with talent development. Employees will need to be equipped with appropriate skills to help your business bring the scale-up to fruition. According to the Scaleup Annual Review 2022 published by the ScaleUp Institute, addressing the...

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Invest in technology

Invest in technology

The second method to achieve scalability is “freeing the business from traditional capacity constraints”. It is practically impossible to scale up by taking a strictly hands-on, manual approach. With the helping hand of cutting-edge technology, it is nowadays far...

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Setting a clear strategy is a must

Setting a clear strategy is a must

Competitive as it may be, the business scene is always abuzz with wide-eyed start-ups eager to try their hand at entrepreneurship, but the harsh reality is that many of them end up falling by the wayside, with a staggering 80% failing to reach full scale-up. Why? One...

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Is there a right time to scale up?

Is there a right time to scale up?

While there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, an overriding piece of advice would be to ensure that you have adequate resources at your disposal to underpin the scaling-up. Subjecting your systems and processes to rigorous stress testing on a regular...

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What are the benefits of scaling up?

What are the benefits of scaling up?

Higher output without a jump in costs An important benefit is neatly encapsulated in the difference between simple growth and scaling-up. Growth is often conceived in linear terms: an addition of resources (i.e. capital, people, technology) leads to a proportional...

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Essential tips for Scaling Up

Essential tips for Scaling Up

Scale-ups are dubbed “powerhouses of productivity”. Scalability refers to a company’s capacity to grow and cope with increased output while, simultaneously, keeping costs more or less at the same level. This article seeks to provide some helpful pointers to help you...

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How is your team? Seriously, how are they?

How is your team? Seriously, how are they?

Mental Health Foundation Research has shown that 1 in 6 employees experience mental health issues in the workplace. Yet, in a recent ONS study, mental health illness has doubled in the last year. This should not be a surprise; we were warned by The World Health...

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Weighing up your Leadership Skills

Weighing up your Leadership Skills

If you are leading an organisation, department or a team, how can you assess your leadership to identify development that will improve your performance and results?  A practical starting point is to ask your team, stakeholders, peers to gather informal...

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