75% of Scale Ups Stagnate or Fail


Dragonfly Academy – The Top Team Accelerator for Scale Ups

To scale your business,
start with your top team

Why does top team development matter?

Research by the Scale Up Institute shows 8 out of 10 Scale ups Scale Up leaders consider it vital to upskill their top teams.

Their research revealed the primary desired skills by Scale up Boards and Senior Management teams were 65% Business Development, 40% Strategic Development and 24% HR/Talent/Cultural Management.

The solution

Dragonfly Academy –Top Team Accelerator

We recognise that leading a Scale Up can be tough and fast paced, Top Teams can be reactive and lack the support they need to keep focussed, whilst building their skills capabilities for sustainable growth.

As a listed programme with the Scale Up Institute, Dragonfly Academy has been specifically designed and proven to support top teams to develop their leadership, management and business development skills for scale up.

For over fifteen years we’ve been supporting businesses to achieve breakthrough results. We work with ambitious Top Teams’ leading scale ups who are motivated to take their business to the next level.

We use a blend of facilitation, training and coaching tailored to keep your Top Team focussed on your scale up strategy combined with the skills your leaders need to empower and develop a high-performance culture.

If you’re a team that knows it is vital to have complete clarity of your goals, strong leadership team cohesion and effective management, we’ll be an excellent partner to help you develop your skills to scale.

Interested to learn more? Reach out today.

Read more in our Brochure

 Listen to our Interview

In this interview, Richard Lowe shares more about Dragonfly Academy, how it adds value to top team skills in order to scale up successfully.

Thrive at Work Podcast

by Polly Rathbone & Hewlett Rand

Dragonfly Academy

What’s Our Approach


We meet with you and the team to understand your challenges, opportunities, and scale-up issues, so that we can pin-point the area of support where we can add the most value.


We will then design and deliver a top team programme to include the appropriate level of facilitation, training, and coaching support to meet your objectives and outcomes.


Throughout your top team programme, we embed high performance team principles, tools and practical skills that are essential for top team success and scale-up.

Want to know more about how we can help?

Please complete the form below, and we will contact you for a free discovery call to discuss your requirements.

Call us today on +44 (0)330 004 0868 or email enquiry@hewlettrand.com to find out.

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