Scale Up Institute Listing

Hewlett Rand‘s #DragonflyAcademy is listed as a leadership capacity building programme with the ScaleUp Institute.

What is the Dragonfly Academy?

Dragonfly Academy is for ambitious top teams who are scaling up their business to the next level.

It’s for top teams that are looking to align and clarify their purpose, strategy and goals, with a strong focus on team cohesion and skills development.

This top team programme is designed to combine a blend of facilitation, skills training and coaching tailored to meet the needs of your team and scale up journey.

Throughout each top team programme, we embed high performance team tools, practical leadership and management practices and skills, essential for sustainable growth.

Interested to learn more?

We book a no obligation call with you to walk you through our approach and programme options.

Explore How We Can Help

Want to know more about how we can help?

Please complete the form below, and we will contact you for a free discovery call to discuss your requirements.

Call us today on +44 (0)330 004 0868 or email to find out.

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